Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fall Favorites

Here are some random pictures from fall 

I got my goldilocks chopped! My friend Annie cuts hair and she had a special deal going, so I decided to get it cut.  I love having short hair! Tyler has a different opinion on the matter....

 We had a fun date night with some other couples making a bonfire. Tyler and I went and got some carmel apple cider and salted carmel hot chocolate before and saw that beautiful sunset! 

 More fun with the couple friends

 Keeping warm by drinking "Choffy" - not coffee.  Ground cocoa beans. Super yummy! 
 My poor hubby had to get some cavities filled and couldn't quite move his mouth to give me a kiss :) 
 Autumn Squash Soup and Fontega Chicken panini from Panera is the best fall meal!!! 
 A picture my sister in law sent of my sweet nephew, Will! 

 I got my ring cleaned and it was so shiny! 

 My school had a Yankee Candle fund raiser, and apparently my husband LOVES candles! So I lucked out! I got him a couple candles and got a flier as prize! hahaha. He's been burning those candles everyday since we got them...

 Raking leaves for a service project
 My handy husband fixed the brakes on our car- and just in the nick of time! 

I've been trying to brush up my cooking skills lately. Since we've been living with Tyler's parents, we take turns cooking dinner each week.  Here are some of the dishes I've made...
 Taco Soup
 Cracked Wheat Bread
 Cranberry Citrus Chicken 
 Honey Seasame Chicken

 Corn Chowder Soup

I'm always searching for new, yummy recipes! 

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