We celebrated our first wedding anniversary on May 3, 2014. We were hoping our house would be ready to move into for our anniversary, but it wasn't. SO we decided to just have a fun weekend doing lots of things together! It was pretty grand just hanging out with my main man.
I started off the weekend with a mini mani, pedi, and facial at a work party. It was pretty awesome, but I was excited for it to be over so our fun could get started!
We got some BBQ for dinner and shared some ice cream for dessert. Both were super yummy!
We got a hotel for one night and I zonked out pretty early because I was exhausted from work. Tyler says I take up too much of the bed...psh. The problem with spending the first year of marriage sleeping in two twins pushed together, is you don't learn how to share the bed very well. Oops!
We had a complimentary breakfast the next morning that was pretty good. Not as good as the one the morning after we got married, but we ate it anyway :)
After breakfast we headed out adventuring! We went to the Cincinnati Outlet Malls which aren't really in Cincinnati, but I guess they just liked the name or something! We discovered the Lindt outlet store and went to town getting assorted chocolate balls! SO delicious! I would highly recommend making that pit stop if you can! Or don't if you don't like things that are delicious and chocolatey.
Do we look one year married-er? ;)
After the mall, since we were pretty close, we decided to go check out IKEA! I love that place. We'll probably need to go back once we have a place to actually put stuff, but it's fun to walk around and imagine!
It was a super windy day!
I actually ended up buying some pillows for our couches which I'm pretty excited about! Stay tuned for what the final product looks like!
After hitting up IKEA, we ended the day with a super hero movie since that's how we spent our wedding day a year ago :) We watched the newest Iron Man movie last year and the newest Spiderman movie this year. Looks like we might be creating a tradition here...keep up Hollywood!
When we finally got home, we came home to a package, which always feels like Christmas! We had purchased a sort of Groupon deal a couple of weeks ago and decided to order some canvases of our wedding pictures. I always get nervous buying things online, but I'm super happy with how they turned out and I can't wait to hang them up somewhere!!
On Sunday we busted out the topper of our wedding cake (even though we had the cake at our reception in July, so the cake wasn't a year old yet) and it was still delicious! Sister Stoddard does good work in case anyone needs more cake in their life!
The day after our wedding is always May 4...aka May the Fourth be with you. SO naturally we had to take some Star Wars wedding pictures. So here's one of them just for fun.
On Monday we kept the party going by taking anniversary photo booth pictures! We really wanted to take them at the movie theater on Saturday night but the machine was broken! :( So we went to the one in the mall on Monday. Every major event in our relationship so far has been marked by a photo booth picture so we figured we should keep up the tradition! I love traditions! We didn't really like the photo booth we used (the lighting turned out really weird) so I guess we'll have to stay married another year to get a cuter version ;)
(I put a black and white filter on it to help the lighting look less weird)
(and if I was a more crafty person I would have brought a cute one or even held up one finger, but clearly that is not me. Hahaha. SO just pretend it says 1 year somewhere on there....)
This last year has had a lot of ups and downs for us, but man I sure love being married to Tyler. He makes life so much fun! I can just be myself and together we learn and grow and figure out this marriage business! It's the best! I love you Tyler! Mwuah!
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