Last year, Tyler and his Dad went to the Tran Siberian Orchestra concert and really enjoyed it, so they wanted us all to go this year.
So we bought tickets and headed out on a freezing cold December night. As we were driving there, there were a lot of fire trucks around the auditorium where the show was being held. We found out that the power had gone out on campus and they were trying to get it back on for the show. So we waited in our car for a little bit to see what would happen. They eventually got it turned back on and just had a delayed start to the show.
The line to get in was SUPER long and it was SUPER cold! I was glad I opted to wear long pants unlike many other women in the crowd who were wearing short skirts! BR!!!
When we made it inside, it was super foggy. Apparently they do that so you can see the lasers better.
The seats were pretty close together, so Tyler had to have Trey tie his shoe because he couldn't really reach it. Hahaha!
I didn't know much about TSO before the concert. I pretty much just know the one song that everyone does their Christmas light shows to. But apparently they have a pretty big following. I thought it was cool that they donate a certain percentage of their show's profit to local charities. Made me feel a little better about sitting through the show. My overall review was that it was a good once in a lifetime experience. There were a lot of cool lights, lasers, and fire tricks that were cool, but the music was a little too weird for me. Not really my genre. (And to be fair, Tyler said it was better the year before, so maybe my opinion would have been different last year) However, it was still fun to spend time with family, as always!
I think our faces pretty much sum up the experience! ;)
So that was the one (and probably only) time I went to a TSO concert!