We decided to get married on a Friday in May. Since I'm a teacher (and since we were impatient :)) we got married on Friday and were both back to work by Tuesday. When we got back from Missouri, I had to pack up my apartment in Heber and move everything down to our new apartment in Springville. (The apartment was kind of a miracle in and of itself! An old member of the Singles Branch in St. Louis who was friends with Elizabeth had to move into a new apartment, but couldn't get out of their contract for a month. So they were hoping to rent it out for one month to save on costs. Luckily for us we only needed it for one month!! So we didn't get super settled in but it was a great first place to live!) My uncle Bob was so kind and let us use his truck to transport ALL my junk (how do I have so much stuff??) in the rain from Heber. They also let us borrow one of their queen sized beds for the month so we didn't have to bother with buying and transporting a bed with us around the country. Looking back, I'm not sure how I finished that last month of school. I woke up early in the morning to carpool up to Heber, then taught all day, came home and crashed with my hubby till bedtime. Then I did it all over again. Not sure when I did all my school planning...hmmmm... Sorry students! Hahaha

This was the view outside our complex! It was always so beautiful! |
The craziness that was my room after the ravages of planning a wedding. Oh dear. Maybe I shouldn't post this online... |
Sweet notes from my students when I got back from my wedding |
So after our crazy, hectic, and fun month of May, we had to say goodbye to our first apartment, both of our cars, and everyone in Utah and head East to Ohio! After much deliberation, we decided to sell my car to my little brother Michael who was still going to BYU. Tyler's car was totaled in an accident earlier in the year so we turned it over to the insurance company and claim the money instead. So my last day of school, we had a little last minute play that we performed for some parents, played some games, and I sent them on their way. ( I was so ready to be done that day, but looking back I miss them so much!! I wish I was around so I could see how they're doing!!) Then I had to pack up and clean my entire classroom (no small task) and take it all home to be packed into the UHaul with all our other stuff. Then we left the keys with Michael, said goodbye, and drove up to Layton to spend the weekend with Tyler's sister Jenn for her baby Sawyer's baby blessing. It was a nice fun last little family party to send us off!

My sweet group of second graders. Man I miss them |
My awesome second grade team! |

Sunday afternoon, we hit the road on to our next adventure in Ohio! The going is kind of slow in a Uhaul, but Tyler is an awesome driver and did so well!!! Sadly, he had not been feeling well all week and felt the worst the day he had to pack up our UHaul :( He started feeling a little better, but once we started driving, he got worse and worse. Every time we stopped, I would pour some medicine into his ear to help try and relieve some pressure. But he was just miserable the whole trip. But we still managed to have fun together. Nothing like a nice long road trip to help some newly wed bonding! The first night we stopped in somewhere in Wyoming. My parents helped pay for a hotel so we could get a nice nights rest and a yummy breakfast in the morning! The next day we drove all day until we got to St. Louis where we got to spend the night with my family!! So fun for me, but Tyler was still feeling really sick. He slept in a while, and we left for Ohio in the afternoon. We got there around 5 or 6 and unloaded everything then took the truck back to UHaul. We had to get a storage unit to hold a lot of the stuff that we either didn't need or wouldn't fit in the house. We moved into Tyler's old bedroom until we found found a job then found somewhere we could live. We also took my poor sick husband to the doctor, and we found out he had bronchitis!! Poor guy! :( So we got a z-pack in him and he started feeling much better! Too bad we didn't do it sooner!

On the open road! |
My view for a lot of the trip. |
Medicine time :( |
This made my day! Taylor Swift band trucks! |
In St.Louis at last!! |
This picture is so cool! Don't mind that Tyler is about to sneeze :0 |
7 States later, we made it to Ohio from Utah! |
Well we only intended on being there for a month or so..........fast forward six months and we're still there. Hahahaha. It took longer than we thought to get licensed and find a job, and when I did it was only a part time job so we couldn't afford any houses or apartments. Then we thought the job would possibly turn into a full time job, but it didn't. SO now we're looking to get another part time job. While it hasn't been the most ideal arrangement, I have loved getting to know the Guys better and I am SO grateful for their generosity in letting us stay with them!!!! Thank goodness for great families!!! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing our family in so many ways already!!
i love it so much and you are good drive and this is your long trip i know that is amazing time of the family i think so i am so sad of when you not feeling good kate guy and Tyler Guy to and i feel that i will prey of you drive and to be safe