Last year around Valentine's day, Tyler and I flew from Utah to Ohio over President's day weekend to meet his family. The day after Valentine's Day, he proposed. :) So he had some romantic re-enacting plans ready to go for this year, but Elizabeth called and asked us to babysit so we had to have a change of plans and he was a good sport about it. What a guy! ;)

He bought me some lovely roses!
I bought him some lovely Oreos and a handmade card.
I had to work on Valentine's day and then we were planning on going to Columbus to go to the temple. Unfortunately, a giant snowstorm hit the area and we decided it would probably be best if we stayed home and left for Columbus in the morning. So our Valentine's night ended up just being a night in watching Downton Abbey. Tyler loved it! ;)
The weather was much better by morning, and we made it on time for Elizabeth and Andrew to make it to their conference. They asked us a couple of weeks ago if we could watch Clark all day because they had a conference to go to for their new Chiropractic Office. We said sure, because how can we resist a day with Clark, really??
We played ball
We read stories
We took naps (And woke up with awesome hair!)
We played slide
Lots of fun to be had!
Tyler and I also took turns going to the temple during the day since the snow storm stopped us from going the night before. Can't stop us Satan! ;)
We had to drive back to Dayton Saturday night so Tyler could help his Dad DJ the YSA Valentine's Day dance and be back for church on Sunday since we're in Nursery.
Halfway through church I realized I was dressed like a hymn book. I thought it was pretty funny, so of course I had Tyler take a picture.
On Sunday night, we drove back to Columbus so we could hang out with Elizabeth and Andrew. We played Ligretto and dominoes and ate a yummy dinner made by Elizabeth. My Mom flew into Columbus on Monday to help watch Clark while Elizabeth and Andrew worked on getting things ready for their practice. We had to go back to Dayton Monday night, so we didn't get to see her for very long sadly. But we did make it to COSI while she was here, which we were really happy about. Tyler has been wanting to go since we moved to Ohio, so we were glad to check that off the bucket list. We also love every minute we get to be with my Mom, so even though it was a short visit for us, it was totally worth it!
While we were driving home from Columbus it started freezing rain and snowing, so it was a rough drive home but we made it thanks to my hubby's good driving skills.
Check out the ice accumulation from the hour we were driving!
We came home to a yummy dinner made by Tyler's mom for V-day! It was super yummy and a great end to a fun weekend!